Tiny Mix Tapes

Ed Schrader’s Music Beat release debut album on LOAD, tour from the bowels of Wham City


Did you read my headline? I said BOWELS! Hahahah! For realsies, though. One could only imagine what the bowels of Baltimore arts and music collective Wham City might look like. My guess? Lots of bright neon colors, remnants of chewed-up Crayola crayons, and bits of organic corn and gummy worms. Want more scatological humor? There’s more in the next paragraph!

Ed Schrader’s Music Beat represents what those bowels sound like. Schrader, a partner of Dan Deacon’s (bowel master) Wham City collective, sings and bangs on the floor-tom with punk enthusiasm and abrasive vocals. Along with bassist Devlin Rice (Nuclear Power Pants), the duo isn’t afraid to insert melodies in the midst of noise. Truly, Ed Schrader’s Music Beat is the poopy poop at its best. The debut album, Jazz Mind, is available on LOAD, and a tour with Future Islands will help to spread the Nutella-like feces of Wham City around the US.

Listen to album track “Sermon” here:


04.14.12 - Baltimore, MD - Floristree
04.25.12 - York, PA - The Depot*
04.26.12 - Middletown, CT - Eclectic House (Wesleyan)*
04.27.12 - Providence, RI - AS220*
04.28.12 - Boston, MA - Paradise*
04.29.12 - Portland, ME @ Space *
04.30.12 - Quebec City, QC - Le Cercle *
05.01.12 - Montreal, QC - Il Motore *
05.02.12 - Ottawa, ON - Mavericks *
05.03.12 - Toronto, ON - Horseshoe Tavern *
05.04.12 - Rochester, NY - Bug Jar *
05.05.12 - Albany, NY - Valentine’s *
05.06.12 - Philadelphia, PA - First Unitarian Church *

* with Future Islands

• Ed Schrader’s Music Beat: http://edschradersmusicbeat.blogspot.com
• LOAD: http://www.loadrecords.com