Clash and FACT informed a groggy TMT reporter at 4 AM on the West Coast that legendary one-hit one-bat-splitting-grand-slam wonders The Avalanches have shared a new ∆v∆L∆NCH∑≤ mixtape for everyone on the internet. The reporter went back to sleep, but now he’s back with the scoop: The hour-long mix is credited to recurring Charles Bukowski character Henry Chinaski, but it’s a bit of a “red herring” since there are no songs on here about being depressed and horny at the post office. Instead, the mix is made up of gentle psychedelia, easy listening, and records that sound like a fireplace. Listen to the whole thing or download it here.
The site hosting the mix, Pinchy & Friends, appears to be related to The Avalanches in a few ways, as the group’s Darren Seltmann has posted a mix (mixes??) there under a pseudonym (and according to the band, the whole thing is run by Tom Kuntz, director of their “Frontier Psychiatrist” video). Who knows for sure? I don’t.
Don’t forget that the Since I Left You reissue with lots of bonus material is still on its way, and until then, you can get a 2xLP reissue on blue vinyl from XL Recordings. Just buy them all, okay?
• The Avalanches: