Tiny Mix Tapes

Alexander Ross - “Grandfather Paradox Part II” [excerpt] “Grandfather Paradox Part II” [excerpt]


In 1989, Alexander Ross, a painter living in New York, released a cassette called Grandfather Paradox. No one I know has ever heard of it, and I’ve asked everyone I’ve been in contact with (including this Radio Shack clerk, who I fucking hate). Well, apparently Finnish experimental musician Jan Anderzén, a.k.a. Kemialliset Ystävät, has heard the release, because his label, Vauva, is set to reissue it in a couple weeks on vinyl. Check out an excerpt of the second song off the two-track album here:

• Kemialliset Ystävät: http://www.kemiallisetystavat.com
• Vauva: http://www.kemiallisetystavat.com/vauva