Tiny Mix Tapes

LA Vampires by Octo Octa - “Freedom 2K” “Freedom 2K”


Drop as much as you can; 100% SILK is officially scuffing up your aquarium dance floor. The fellah who brought you these, now brings to you his best impression of “kiss you and I kiss you back.” Shit, what if Octo Octa does his rendition of “Acid We”? Oh, wait. There’s already a tracklisting somewhere, right? #stilldying. Now, I already snagged mine off Experimedia.net, but I’m sure there are other places to find this. Maybe. Just keep on the distro lookout, because it ain’t being sold through 100% SILK until the 19th of June. Mmm, relive forever.

• 100% SILK: http://www.listentosilk.com