Tiny Mix Tapes

Laurel Halo - Quarantine [album stream] Quarantine [album stream]


Some of us here at TMT (me me me me me) are overexcited about Laurel Halo’s new album Quarantine, which is out next week in Europe and May 28 (new release date!) on Hyperdub. We’ve been selfishly squandering it behind our closed doors where we wear white lab coats and goggles to protect us from any back splash from some of the bullshit we have to sift through sometimes around here. (That Best Coast promo is burning my eyebrows off already; gotta step away before I get a chemical burn.) Laurel’s an android so, you know, we respect that shit because science built her. She is excellent at mimicking the human voice — er, most of the time anyway. More to the point: she might have made one of the best albums of 2012, if you believe me. But you don’t have to trust my word. The fine people at FACT are offering a full-album stream of Quarantine, so what are you waiting for?

• Laurel Halo: http://www.laurelhalo.com
• Hyperdub: http://www.hyperdub.net

[Photo: Tim Saccenti ]