Tiny Mix Tapes

Great songs on good albums that I may have missed


You can’t really put Down (The Jesus Lizard) in the same category of “good” as Love and Curses (Reigning Sound) or Foolish (Superchunk), but these are all standout tracks that completely shit all over their album’s siblings.

01. The Jesus Lizard - “Thumbscrews” (Down)
02. Xinlisupreme - “Murder License” (Murder License)
03. A Place To Bury Strangers - “Don’t Think Lover” (A Place to Bury Strangers)
04. U.S. Maple - “Open A Rose” (Acre Thrills)
05. The Warmers - “Poked It With A Stick” (The Warmers)
06. Silkworm - “Insomnia” (It’ll Be Cool)
07. Lost Sounds - “Bombs Over M.O.M.” (Lost Sounds)
08. Reigning Sound - “Broken Things” (Love and Curses)
09. Superchunk - “Like A Fool” (Foolish)
10. The Sandwitches - “Summer of Love” (Mrs. Jone’s Cookies)
11. Xiu Xiu - “Buzz Saw” (The Air Force)