Tiny Mix Tapes

Tranquility Tapes - Duets C100 [preview] Duets C100 [preview]


ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP [slash] It’s here. And peeps is sweating, like mad, yo. Who doesn’t love a good plug? I know. But bit-by-bit, I’ll bum-bust Tranquility Tapes’ newest compilation adventure Duets C100, as I see fit. I’ll definitely be doing that soon, once I can order it off the Tranquility Tapes’ website over the weekend (which is CART ready now, rather than e-mail order only). Like, it’s my birthday next week too. That means I’ll be receiving little presents from Quiet Evenings, Super Minerals (RIP??????), Velvet Chrome, Brother Raven, Seziki Tetrasheaf, Century Plants, Big Sky, Afterlife, Imperial Topaz, Telecult Powers, Concessionaires, Blood On Tape, Sundrips, Grasshopper, The Circle And The Point & Coventry Music. Clean your pants. Clean your keyboard. Crack your knuckles. And order ya copy this weekend [slash] ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP

• Tranquility Tapes: http://tranquilitytapes.blogspot.com