Tiny Mix Tapes

Razoreater - “Hashishins” “Hashishins”


With all the popularity of blackened EVERYTHING nowadays — blackened shoegaze, blackened crust — you would think the metal world is now the world’s most BRUTAL seafood restaurant. If blackened soul comes into existence in the future, I’ll just need to start calling this type of music pescatariancore. But sometimes you need a break from all the blackened everything, and British thrashers Razoreater are just what we need right now: a back-to-basics band with a sludgy, simple approach that’s all about playing loud, playing fast, and letting the noise speak for itself. This song is an unmastered demo, but it sounds fantastic; the guitars have a nice coat of grime and the vocals have a snarly edge to them that recalls Matt Pike in his glory days. Blackened may be buzzworthy, but sometimes there’s nothing better than a full-throttle thrash attack.

• Razoreater: http://razoreater.bandcamp.com