Tiny Mix Tapes

Deerhoof - “The Trouble with Candyhands” “The Trouble with Candyhands”


Deerhoof has a new one called Breakup Song. Despite its depressing title (wahhh!), the album was recently described by dummer Greg Saunier as “a slice of Cuban-flavored party-noise-energy music.” “The Trouble with Candyhands,” the first full taste from the album, is streaming below. File it under Cuban-flavored party-noise-energy music.

Breakup Song is out September 4 via Polyvinyl (US), ATP (UK/Europe), Lost and Lonesome (Australia/Oceania), High Note (China/Taiwan/Hong Kong/Singapore/Malaysia), and Joyful Noise (CassetteUnderground).

• Deerhoof: http://deerhoof.net
• Polyvinyl: http://www.polyvinylrecords.com