Stop-stop-stop. What’s today? [Whatever]day? Bolo Yeung (NOTT) choppin’ dem GAT-DAMN beats. Do yourself a favor: if you’re on the LIE and hear the Dat Piff release of 10 Minutes Vol. 1 and Vol. 2. No poke, can’t be more flagrant: snag it noWWW! Don’t care if you at work. I hope it give your CPU viruses. And, yes — SLF TAPES are fresshing Bolo Yeung’s new Chinese Hercules… it’s all you need the rest of this year. Shit, this two-minute preview is probably the whole album.
Loop each track 20 times. Look, put it on shuffle with whatever else you like from 2012 and tell me you skipped a Bolo Yeung track. You can’t. Unless you add that Onra tape Words+Dreams put out earlier this year (SOLD OUTT) #butpossiblecontestant. You can also tell me you took it off shuffle and put Bolo Yeung on repeat. Also-also, I understand this is it right now. But it;;s fucking swelling. Y;;o. There’s still a good scene in mixtapes @LilB @JuicyJ @KoolKeith @TrapAHolics @FatTony&Tom Cruz. S’ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Chinese Hercules. SLF TAPES. bl’owbl’owbl’owbl’ow
[Visit full site to view media]BOLO YEUNG-CHINESE HERCULES by BOLOYEUNG
• Bolo Yeung: