Tiny Mix Tapes

Black Marble - “A Great Design” “A Great Design”


Pop music in the 80s was really in no hurry. It makes you wonder what it says about the times. Take any pop song from the 50s and 60s and the first verse is thrown at you within the first 20 seconds. We don’t have time for your damn instrumental intros! We gotta get things moving! And then the 80s roll in like a calm ocean with their minute-and-a-half synth-layering introductions and four-plus-minute pop songs. It’s like we lost interest in what comes next. That’s probably why all of that 80s [insert word here]-wave is still being pushed and explored today. But while most bands who lean that way tend to get stuck in that same laxidasical rut, bands like Brooklyn’s Black Marble still seem to be asking, “What comes next?”

“A Great Design,” from their forthcoming Hardly Art full length, A Different Arrangement, is an archaeological dig, dusting off some of the oldest coldwave trends and realizing we still have a lot to learn from them. Listen to “A Great Design” below and pick up the CD/LP from Seattle’s Hardly Art records in October.

• Black Marble: http://www.blackmarblenyc.com
• Hardly Art: http://hardlyart.com