New Dreams Ltd., the umbrella moniker of 情報デスクVIRTUAL, Macintosh Plus, Laserdisc Visions, and more, has reached its likely conclusion. Listen to how it all ends with Shader by Sacred Tapestry, then read the following announcement from Prism Corp. and prepare your body accordingly:
Subject: New Life Now! A Critical Alert From Prism Corp. Executive Branch, Hong Kong.The life as we know now, after death therefore moves on to another form of life based on the merits and demerits it accumulated in its current life. The path to becoming a supreme soul is to practice non-violence and be truthful.
Prism Corp urges You, SUBJECT A5587505618800000, to finalize your body transmigration as scheduled on THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 2012. We are honoured and deeply humbled to receive Your host body donation and look forward to Your continued involvement in the Genetic Re-Engineering Program (GREP). Thank you all for visiting Virtual Casino during our final transmission.
We look forward to reconciling with You in the New World Embassy!
Report to the New Dreams(TM) Body Chamber Facility at address code MEM# 046D:0880 when you are ready to enter hibernation.
SUBJECT YX000322468141
Prism Corp. Integrated Solutions, Hong Kong Branch
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