John Cage was born 100 years ago today on September 5, 1912. He passed 10 years ago, but our father Abraham of avant-garde composition has many sons that continue to foment the ideas of experimental music. One who is well aware of his own lineage, Lawrence English, commemorates Cage with his new album For/Not For John Cage. For: an homage — a body of work inspired by pieces written by Cage. Not For: a Cageian idea itself, perhaps, to dismiss responsibility of co-opting a legacy and an umbrella for the recordings that were organically tangential during the recording sessions.
The video for “Entoloma abortivum,” a collaboration between English and video artist Scott Morrison, is a re-staging of Cage’s film One11. English speaks to the process and how the scope went beyond aesthetic: “Part way through the process of composing music for One11 (refocused), it became clear that a body of sound work was forming (beyond the music created for the One11 (refocused) soundtrack) that drew heavily on some of Cage’s passions — specifically his interests in Zen Buddhism (and the space for contemplation this philosophy opens) and also that of chance operations.” Check it out here:
Pre-orders for Lawrence English’s For/Not For John Cage start today, with the album officially out September 18. It’s limited to only 500, so do what you have to do.
• Lawrence English: