Radiohead releases a song and we’re all like this. But when James Ferraro releases a new song, we’re all like THIS!!!! It is in this spirit that we report on James Ferraro’s latest track, “RAINSTICK FIZZ PLUS.” Last time we heard from Ferraro it was for a track called “SAVE THE PLANET ♲ 100% pure H Y D R A T I O N : O2 REMIXED.” I guessed that it was a song by BODYGUARD, but I’m probably wrong about that. And yeah, I’m also probably wrong to attribute this track to “James Ferraro” rather than to ☣ NEW AGE PLAYBOY ☣ or whatever he might be calling himself these days. The point is: it’s a new song, it’s Ferraro-related, and it’s got that eco-bounce and unsheathing sword sample that “SAVE THE PLANET” had too, plus a little Spice Girls thrown in for good measure. So, get your Prius batteries charged to the extreme, kiddos: this one’s a keeper.
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• James Ferraro:!/JFerraro_zip