Tiny Mix Tapes

Azealia Banks - “Luxury” “Luxury”


If there’s any artist who’s on a winning streak with music videos right now, there’s no question: it’s Azealia Banks. The past month has seen smash after visual smash: the clips “Van Vogue” and “1991” are glossy, expertly shot, and perfect showcases for the up-and-coming MC’s skills. After the bright yellows and reds of “1991,” director Clarence Simmons has opted for a more modest approach, setting Banks against the majestic backdrop of New York in simple black-and-white. It’s not fancy in any sense: Banks’ attire is simple, her choreography wholly natural, and Gotham takes on just as large a role in the production. Which makes me wonder if there’s any chance that Azealia Banks can take me on a walking tour sometime — she seems to know all the best stoops.

• Azealia Banks: http://www.azealiabanks.com
• Universal: http://www.universalmusic.com