Tiny Mix Tapes

Oren Ambarchi & Robin Fox - “Standing Mandala” “Standing Mandala”


Oo the ‘ardest working experimental artist of 2012? Maybe it’s Oren Ambarchi [and friends]. Let’s say he the krankiest. And he’s giving y’all that Fri-/work-day suspense, along with pal Robin Fox, the modern man. MAYBE. Tension is right up there with “Standing Mandala,” boring souls in your mind’s core and pulsating into eye-flickering euphoria. Oren was definitely my jam shit while sleeping back some day prior to this one. Like, and I’d totally hit him up still if I hadn’t a bedfellow. Don’t think that’s an option at this point, but maybe. Mm, and new album on Kranky. October 22. Scare someone with the LP this Halloween holiday season. #allthatbeef

• Kranky: http://kranky.net
• Robin Fox: http://robinfox.net
• Oren Ambarchi: http://www.orenambarchi.com