Tiny Mix Tapes

Spaceape - “On The Run” “On The Run”


There isn’t a lot about this video for Spaceape’s “On The Run” that isn’t unsettling. It starts with a smattering of kitchen-utensil drumming and an out-of-tune horn loop, followed by cut-up gestures of some tribal dance, like the jittery movements of the monsters in Silent Hill. And the vocals lay right on top of the track, unaffected. When I hear a Hyperdub track, I expect lots of bass, some heavy drums, and not a single vocal track (if there are any) that doesn’t sound like it was recorded from the other end of a long, dark alleyway. This track comes to a screeching halt before anything familiar like that can be found in it.

• Hyperdub: http://www.hyperdub.net