Tiny Mix Tapes

Monopoly Child Star Searchers - “Aviary’s Black Satin Stargate” “Aviary’s Black Satin Stargate”


Leave it all behind, and arrive at the glass temple of melt. At dusk, the fortress is worn from winds of the night before. As the day turns, the interior drumming attracts friends who come bearing conduction gifts to help support the evening ahead. Plumes drift out of various holes and entrances of the structure, signaling those beyond our stretches of imagination. And as ritual presents itself in art amongst the walls, floatation occurs on the rocks above and, slowly, fluid conduction encapsulates the exterior. Flying friends flee and “Aviary’s Black Satin Stargate” opens above, striking down blots of light and might. The finest sands harden to the consistency of glass, and through the shell, faces both like and unlike humans peer through. Gazes so deep that these attached visages seem almost unhindered by force of weather surrounding the area. Star searching is complete; the birds have signaled the dimensional pathway; and beyond has returned. Are we on our way home? November 16, you can find out through Underwater Peoples.

• Underwater Peoples: http://underwaterpeoples.com
• Charles Berlitz: http://www.discogs.com/artist/Charles+Berlitz