Tiny Mix Tapes

NYKDLN - Post Radio Post Radio


So. After talking to NYKDLN (Scott Michael) on Facebook while driving in the most unexpected shit, I left a 20-page-long text message hate-rant on my phone about how New York fucked up and left me for dead, and how posting it on Facebook would mean just as NOTHING as all the other complaints on there. In light of that, I hated how perfect Post Radio fit my situation. If Michael had sent it to me while I was in the car, instead of before I left work, I’d have though he was patronizing my patience in the weather. But the release is just so desolate and confined in its subjection that it’s hard to deny NYKDLN as a FUTURE-MC-style noise radio warpism. And out from the past comes the newest form of, I dunno, post-drone?

Like, the idea that I’m sitting here and listening to a mesh of noise and static and somewhat nostalgic-sounding music makes it spectacular to zone out to. As if Michael made the perfect background music using background music. OH FUCK!!! This is a double tape? NASTY, Sunup Recordings. OMG: “Poison” is totally my morning jam, too. Umm, I’m starting to think Michael just beat me to the punch and recorded over the rest of his Diskette Romances tape and sent it into Sunup immediately. Or maybe he’s just directly exposing listeners to influences. I dunno. This release will definitely be reeled to death while still trying to figure out if Michael is James Joyce or Lil B.

Post Radio will be shipping out December 1 as a double cassette for $8 via Sunup Recordings. Hit it or quit it.

• NYKDLN: http://nykdln.bandcamp.com
• Sunup Recordings: http://sunuprecordings.bandcamp.com