With little competition out there, we can definitively declare 2001 as the most Cannibal Ox year ever. They put out their sole full-length, The Cold Vein (#17 on our decade list), they played shows, and they existed as an active musical group. Even that last item has been arguable for most years following 2001. In recent memory, the most Cannibal Ox action we’ve gotten has been in the form of a variety of solo albums from both Vast Aire and Vordul Mega. It certainly seemed like Cannibal Ox had broken up.
But that’s not how Cannibal Ox sees it. As Brooklyn Vegan reports, Vast Aire says that the group never broke up. Oh yeah? Prove it, Vast Aire! Well, actually, he plans on proving it by getting together with Vordul Mega and putting out a new Cannibal Ox album in 2013. That is a very good way to prove that you are a functioning group! However, it’s worth noting that the group planned a second album for release back in 2006 and, clearly, that never happened. Here’s hoping this one will.
In more concrete proof that Cannibal Ox live, the duo will be doing a show at Brooklyn’s Knitting Factory on December 9. Tickets for that show are currently on sale. The group is also planning more dates for 2013, including a string of West Coast dates. If you happen to attend one of these shows, please try to reach out and touch the hand of Vast Aire. This will prove that he is not a ghost or a hologram or a being made out of fog.
• Vast Aire: https://twitter.com/VASTAIRE2090