Lil B has not only been the “voice” of hip-hop for 2012, but he has been the voice of himself as the best artist of 2012. No explanation is necessary on how he transcends self-deprivation through flaw/less character and satirical nonsense. If you haven’t been following, shame on you. But to catch Lil B at THIS moment: KeKe. So enough about Lil B surviving the apocalypse and resurrecting everyone on Earth. Who’s this KeKe?
Prior to KeKe, the cat’s birth name is Tabby. Tabby was born of the clouds and fell to the muck of Earth, finding a home underneath some apartment stairs on the outskirts of California’s Bay Area. While living on the streets for seven years, Tabby made a lot of dreams come true by being a hero to many: licking fire from burn victims, catching dropped babies, practicing human/animal facial reconstruction, [the list continues]. On September 27 this year, BasedGod heard how Tabby saved millions from fatal doom during the quake and adopted the cat as KeKe. Tabby allowed the name and decided to cut Lil B a break between the human and animal worlds by featuring him on the track “KeKe The Adopted Tabby Cat MAKES HISTORY! FIRST ANIMAL IN HIP HOP! FEAT LIL B !!!” #felineswagjuiceismilkkidpleaseareyoustillreadingthishashtagwow
• Lil B: