Mmm, that “found” sound intro to sampled orchestra revealing oblivion deserted savage folk. Raw and bare knuckles pleasantly brush metal strings and post-blues moaning tales of what self and comfort mean.
Robert Magill is at it again with DREAM INSIDE YOUR CANYONS on Deep Tapes, y’all. So fresh and to the point. Coming down off his earlier 2012 album DEDICATED TO THOSE WHO RECENTLY LIVED, Robert is now tossing out his newest works From The Year 1842 to the luckiest label to snag it. And if his little licks on guitar don’t persuade your ear, his sax is something to breathe to, aside from a little tapping and spastic dancing.
But, when it comes down to it, Robert Magill got the voice of a man. Of humanity. Of a brother who has coated his throat in honey whiskey since he was 7 or 8 or 9 and grew into the most noon-o’clock-shadowed cherub singer this side of the West Coast. Err, I’m on the East Coast. I meant his coast. And the coast is all clear! Right? So, check out his freshest three tracks on DREAM INSIDE YOUR CANYONS, and keep your eyes peeled for his newest material in the months to come.
[Visit full site to view media]DREAM INSIDE YOUR CANYONS by ROB MAGILL
• Robert Magill:
• Deep Tapes: