So, I told our Euro-Spanish computer grime hero Afrika Pseudobruitismus that I’d be covering his joint “CHROME CIGARETTES,” but this Sea joint is my fucking WAVE right now. When I want beach/surf/ocean music, I want it exactly how I perceive it: an endless adventure void of change and maximalist simplicity. Lemme have a listen here with this Sea, and — shit, I’m drowning. Vastness and swell-dom surrounds everything inside my head through ear buds and my mind is fluidly floating in a lake of its own secretion. Ain’t no care about the liquid running out my nose as I lean forward at work, eyes twitching at the monitor, Charlie going, “I think mercury is leaking from Clifford’s skull, but I don’t know. You good, dude?” And I’m all this has to be the best Beach Boy’s tribute ever, but the foam from my mouth makes it sound more like gurgling. If TABBED OUT were the official term to describe the moment one rolls back, drops all they’s peyote in the sand, and becomes one with the coastal reach, people would describe it by playing Sea. Also, what’s everyone’s thoughts on his side project BRONTOSAURIUS REX collaboration with a local broad?
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• Afrika Pseudobruitismus: