Tiny Mix Tapes

Brandon Locher - Conversations (Revisited) Conversations (Revisited)


So, the trip of this IS… you cannot listen to Conversations (Revisited) with the lights out. Like, immediately, I think the Jerky Boys. Then I’m thinking, “Boiii, Brandon, is you doing all these calls?” But I start to realized, as I’d said — with the lights out — there’s a VERY haunting effect to this. I mean I feel guilty. I can’t say anything to these people. FUCK, this is stressful, but real-real. Right? Conversations (Revisited) is making my dog bug OUT. So, then I start taking a leak, and it felt like I was disrupting something with the noise of my bowl echoing piss, and WHOA! Is Brandon “crossing-lines?” WHOA! No, yes, he IS!! Wow, people really get on this, Larry. Hello, Larry, yo!! I want this soundboard. Holy moly, this is recorded trolling on a WHOLE new level. Not only do IIIIII feel a mess of guilt, but I’m bearing audio witness to the most elaborate troll scheme EVER. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnd I cannot walk to my bedroom now without freaking out at the mere resemblance of a visage. If I see a face besides my girls, I’m smashing it in Irreversable-style. I’m thinking I’d just start talking to Audre. Paul? Oh shit, I gotta call Paul about dress code, cause I want a rocking Vegas outfit. Nowww, I gotta stop. This track has brought the devil out in me, and there’s too much “ME” and “I” in this post for my liking. So… without establishing character or voice or pronoun: BYE!! YOU called CHUCKY’S dad? Also, when you stop Conversations (Revisited) it feels like these voices are just trapped in this audio forever. As though being prey to the quiet caller absorbed a momentary bit of being through the receiver and into Brandon Locher’s recorder. CONCLUSION: beware, for this release is joyfully maddening.

• Brandon Locher: http://brandonlocher.bandcamp.com