Tiny Mix Tapes

Digitalis’ reissue of the amazing UK duo Leven Signs’ only release opens stargate to alternate, cooler past/future


Forgotten progenitors of weirdo avant garde electropop and most Googleable band ever Leven Signs are getting some long overdue attention from the good people over at Digitalis. Like almost 30 years overdue. (And seriously, if you Google this band, you get like 10 exact results, and only one is inexplicably for an iPhone 4 case.) In 1985, the experimental UK duo of Peter Karkut and Maggie Turner released their one and only album Hemp Is Here as a cassette on Unlikely Records and as a vinyl LP on Cordelia. And then, like a shifting, shimmering dream of gamelan-studded, organ-washed, minimal electronica from an alternate future, it was gone. Gone from the pressing plant, gone from the wherever tapes are made. Gone from the collective consciousness of post-punk lovers everywhere.

Until an undisclosed date in February, when Digitalis gives Leven Signs a vinyl reissue. The phrase “before their time” gets tossed around a lot, but the mysterious and lovely Leven Signs should stir the hearts of the same people freaking out about the likes of Peaking Lights or Fabulous Diamonds. That sorta thing. Check out the track “Prague Spring” below:

• Digitalis: http://www.digitalisindustries.com/music