Now this is an interesting piece of work/ass, Boron. Only in flashes can I actually watch this video at work, because it’s totally tits out. Totally, literally, digitally: tits out. But also, like, this is borderline unwatchable because of all that decay and digital smear. Again, literally unwatchable; this doesn’t involve taste. Yet it so cleverly matches the track “Hamburger Touchdown” through vaginal and sexual insinuation, and warped sounds of maybe musical intention stacked on musical intention stacked on a mess of electronic core vibrations.
It’s unsettling, but wonderfully so, and with the Google Stalker app running across the globe, it’s like I’m right there, in real life, watching this broad pixelate into a Picasso. Oh-oh, and our Choco papi Keith Kawaii slipped me this dic— VIDEO; he slipped me this VIDEO, yes, and I’m totally not hard at work because of it. Well, mostly I’m pitching a tent because of these noises, though a blocky nip slips into my vision occasionally and so I think it confuses my parts. Again-again, “Hamburger Touchdown” and it’s video encompasses some happily acceptable parts, making parts part in parties for… CHECK OUT: Boron’s new jam The Beige Album on Field Hymns immediately, or people will think your parts are slipping.
• Boron:
• Field Hymns: