Tiny Mix Tapes

Various Artists: Lo-Fi by Default - Label Sampler Vol. 2 Label Sampler Vol. 2


Collecting many of the great, glanced-over electronic musicians from around the world, this sampler by the L0-Fi by Default imprint really spans some serious distance. Coming from the middle of the US, Kansas, it’s the kind of release that keeps the coasts’ egos in check.

The $PL▲$H ¢LUB 7 track from the compilation, “MEGA_MALL_64” comes from that post-vaporwave (was it ever even there to begin with?) haze, dropping those 90’s drum sounds over a wall of muzak synth swirls. You can check it out below. It’s a perfect center point for the entire sampler, as each track either heads further out toward the airy, shoegaze side of things or drops heavier drums over the more trance-driven end of the spectrum.

Check out the entire Lo-Fi by Default sampler at the label’s Bandcamp page, and buy the entire thing for a terribly affordable price.

• Lo-Fi by Default: http://lofibydefault.bandcamp.com