In the now-immortal words of Morrissey himself: “There’s a whole lotta reschedulin’ goin’ on!” You may remember last year when the Man in Black was forced to cancel and reschedule some US dates due to some health concerns with his mother. Then, after that was seemingly sorted and some decent hair jokes were made all around, the undisputed King of Pop was forced to re-unschedule a lot of those anti-cancelled dates because of health concerns of his own. Things weren’t looking so “fab” for the quiet mop top!
But now, at long last, it seems a tour of some sort is once again moving forward; and at the very least, it does seem to involve (according to Pitchfork) some guy who calls himself “Morrissey.” So unless I’ve been somehow confusing him with a bunch of other famous singers and performers this whole time, I think this might be the real deal! And to make up for the delays, The Big M is even adding a few extra dates that weren’t on the docket before. How characteristically sweet of him! Say what you want about Old Blue Eyes, but he always knows how to put his fans first. I guess that’s why they call him “the hardest working man in show business.”
02.27.13 - San Diego, CA - Balboa Theatre ^
03.01.13 - Los Angeles, CA - Staples Center ^*
03.02.13 - Los Angeles, CA - Hollywood High School ^
03.04.13 - Davis, CA - Robert Mondavi Center ^
03.06.13 - Seattle, WA - The Moore Theatre ^
03.08.13 - Portland, OR - Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall ^
03.09.13 - San Francisco, CA - The Regency Ballroom ^
03.14.13 - Mexico City, Mexico - Vive Latino Festival
03.18.13 - Lawrence, KS - Liberty Hall ^
03.19.13 - Lincoln, NE - Rococo Theatre ^
03.22.13 - Minneapolis, MN - Orpheum ^
03.23.13 - Chicago, IL - Chicago Theater ^
03.27.13 - Clear Lake, IA - Surf Ballroom ^
03.29.13 - Nashville, TN - Ryman Auditorium ^
03.30.13 - Atlanta, GA - Cobb Energy Center ^
04.02.13 - Asheville, NC - Orange Peel ^
04.03.13 - Richmond, VA - National ^
04.06.13 - Philadelphia, PA - Tower Theater ^
04.08.13 - Flint, MI - Whiting Auditorium ^
04.09.13 - Indianapolis, IN - Murat Theater ^
04.12.13 - Beaumont, TX - Jefferson Theater ^
04.13.13 - Pharr, TX - Pharr Entertainment Center ^
04.15.13 - Dallas, TX - Palladium ^
04.16.13 - Austin, TX - Austin Music Hall ^
04.19.13 - Phoenix, AZ - Marquee Theater ^
04.20.13 - Las Vegas, NV - The Chelsea at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas ^
04.23.13 - El Paso, TX - Tricky Falls ^
04.26.13 - Denver, CO - Temple Hoyne Buell Theatre ^
04.28.13 - Salt Lake City, UT - Kingsbury Hall ^
04.30.13 - San Francisco, CA - The Warfield ^
^ Kristeen Young
* Patti Smith and Her Band
• Morrissey: