Tiny Mix Tapes

Олд Комм - Ventspils [12-inch; Discrepant]


What a scintillating ride Олд Комм’s Ventspils is. At 45 RPMs it’s clear as a whistle, too, a crucial element considering how subtle the elements at play (few of which I can identify) are. From where I’m listening the second movement, which stretches out over 12 minutes as opposed to the relatively brief Side-A audio (six minutes or so total), is the pony to bet on here. Angelic synths drift into soft voice samples, instrument loops (wacky sax, etc.), classic drone elements, electric rubber-band-balls of energy, and laser vortexes that have no ending nor beginning. Just what your typical Mego/Spools enthusiast is looking for, taken down a notch and mixed into a warm bucket of fuzz. The first movement is a lot scarier. If you think you can get the keys into the ignition in time with this cut barreling toward you good luck. Whereas the flip is a sound-art experiment, Side A sports a steady beat and a more traditional array of soothing synths, though the end-result is anything but typical and oddly satiating. I’ll admit I checked the record player to see if it was skipping and I’m still not sure if it was. You’ll wanna check this one out if you’re a storm watcher.