It says on the jacket that one of the melodies used on this 7-inch is pulled from a lo-fi recording at a refugee camp in Germany. Damn Sohrab, where do we go from here? And Sohrab will answer your question with another query: Where won’t we go from here? Between Strangers is experimental thought-crime on the highest order, obsessed with waves, open ear space, unconventional rhythms, and woozy soundscapes. “Endless Spring” is a crowd erupting then slowly settling into perpetuity, after which each participant wanders into the desert and gets lost in the void. That’s actually the flip; “Hejrat” leads off and follows a sitar and sampled siren singing into a temple of super-subdued drone. Water is burbling in a fountain as the chanting holds our gaze, a shuffling half-beat keeping time. More liquid drift drips into a drone funnel before a stuttering static edge hints at a locked groove. But it is not to be; relax, the end is near.