Tiny Mix Tapes

Nite Lite - “Springingtime” “Springingtime”


Real-life nightmares are rarer than people perceive them. We use the word “nightmare” to describe situations as frequently as we’d use the word “epic” to describe what we really enjoy. But nightmare isn’t the cold during spring. Epic (is but) isn’t any movie I’ve seen in the last… ever. Nightmare is when you cross between dream and reality. Like, like going through a wasted-high writing crisis, hearing the type writer taunt you in “Springingtime,” turning on the Nite Lite, and contemplating why the mirror’s image of your face never changes ever. But the audio and visuals are completely distorted through paranoia, lack of sleep, stress, and euphoria, and the nightmare is being there conscious enough to emotionally respond to your mind crumbling.

Ehh, but shit’s been a MESS since ol’ Phil French left the label game. However, I’m infatuated with all the “writing” he’s posted about each song. There can never be enough paragraph quoting; there can be WAY less “meaningful” one-liner quotes. Yet, Phil and his sig-nif Myste have been traveling the Desire Path since last year to give all our ears the candy that is Megrez , recorded everywhere on Mt. Tabor in Oregon. Only 300 LPs were printed and I’m buying the rest of them, so get to it before me, oh… OH!! Too late. You can still try over at Desire Path Recordings, but…

• Nite Lite: http://www.stunnedrecords.blogspot.com
• Desire Path Recordings: http://www.desirepathrecordings.com