Tiny Mix Tapes

Action Bronson - “Compliments 2 The Chef” “Compliments 2 The Chef”


Action Bronson and Harry Fraud are head chefs on this new cut off Peter Rosenberg’s upcoming New York Renaissance mixtape, a showcase of the city’s finest talent. The amuse-bouche is a light one: Fraud lays down a chilly R&B beat pilfered straight from the grocery store muzak aisle, and Lauriana Mae’s crackling hook floats atop it, setting a laid-back, Sunday supper vibe. Once again, Bronson gets us mouthwatering with the food descriptions: on the menu tonight is “baby lamb,” “stuffed zucchini flowers/mixed ricotta with the egg” and, for all you haters, his own “bubble tea tapioca.” Aside from his foodie lexicon, Bronson’s also got a penchant for stream-of-consciousness associations that always keep you on your toes. “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink it,” philosophizes Bronson, “2 in the pink, one in the stink.” It’s crazy, a little bit of horse ebooks zen, but all great chefs are mad.

• Action Bronson: http://www.actionbronson.com
• Harry Fraud: http://www.harryfraud.com