∜♡MDISCS: Futures Reserve Label (a.k.a. AMDISCS), a web-centric label that’s released music from the web-centric likes of C V L T S, Afrika Pseudobruitismus, DJ Baglady, ACTRESS PETS, and Luxury Elite, is one speedy and prolific enterprise. It boasts an incredibly fast-paced release schedule, publishes a torrent of found web images nearly everyday via Facebook, and maintains a blog that seeks to document sounds that sometimes aren’t even directly related to the label. My social media feeds can barely handle it all as it is, but AMDISCS apparently wants to get more music to you even faster.
To that end, AMDISCS — who earlier this year released the towering 73-track ∜♡MDISCS 2K13 compilation — is hosting its first live streaming event. Titled SOFT FREQUENCY Vol. I, the event will feature live performances by artists from around the globe, including LINGERIE from New York, Infinity Frequencies from Oceanside, CA, AyGeeTee from London, and Igor Maximilian from Moscow, all curated and produced by label head Rado Z. Each performance will switch between the artists and custom visuals by the likes of Jónó Mí Ló, Matthew Caron, and BreakbeatTiki, all in real-time, all in HD, all everyone united.
SOFT FREQUENCY Vol. 1 starts at 9 PM EST, on Wednesday, April 17. TMT has agreed to help host the stream (which is why our logo is on the fancy poster), so stay tuned for details. Meanwhile, like we did for the mighty #SPF420 fest, you can preview music from the artists below:
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AyGeeTee (UK):
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Infinity Frequencies (US):
[Visit full site to view media]
Igor Maximilian (RUS):
[Visit full site to view media]
• AMDISCS: http://www.amdiscs.com