Tiny Mix Tapes

Mykki Blanco - “Feeling Special” “Feeling Special”


Mykki Blanco in this TRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP! Who that is on the corner with the shoulders and wig? Getting me all “Feeling Special,” mmph! This that trap-sex tune up in the deep-shit. Betty keeping her bone straight in there, tapping at your heart strings: pump after pump. And as “Karma Police” as this video appears, it’s NOT. Mykki ONLY lives and performs in reincarnation form. Also, these subliminal texts and flashing images are stimulating all sorts of hardened desires. LOL — “Why the chicken cross the road? You mean, that chicken-head ho?”

Dunno how I feel about this being in any relation to MTV, but Mykki gets hers, feel me? Saw her perform while I worked the free-beer bar at Unisex Earplug in Austin, TX. Had me five Resin cans during her 30-minute set. Tossed a few cans out into the crowed. There were CHILDREN standing in front of the bar when she had her ass out. TMT brings that class. Mykki climbing on everything. Giving a very one-of-a-kind performance @CHILDACTOR. Whenever I axed someone which SXSW live act they enjoyed most, answer was and still is: MYKKI BLANCO. Get “Feeling Special” this Thursday to maximize your rabbit hole love.

For more info on Blanco’s tour and new EP, Betty Rubble: The Initiation, go here.

• Mykki Blanco: http://mykkiblancoworld.com