Hospital Productions is growing more perversely diverse, best exemplified by Silent Servant’s Negative Fascination, the ever burgeoning output of Vatican Shadow, and now Tara and Mike Connelly’s new band, Clay Rendering. From Mike’s history with Wolf Eyes, Hair Police, and Failing Lights, you would expect some noise from this new project. And from Tara’s history with The Haunting and The Pool at Metz, you would expect even more noise, as well as a heaping helping of textural subtlety. However, gentle reader, this is pure 80s industrial/rock nostalgia. This is black leather jacket, aviators on at 9 PM, impossibly cool industrial grunge with a dash of “tying this camera to a balloon is probably a bad idea, but the shot will look super cool” excess. Below is the video for their song “Nature’s Confusion” (via FACT), which cannily demonstrates that getting in on the ground floor here is an excellent plan.
The two-track Vengeance Candle EP is available now digitally (although Boomkat has it listed as “Nature S Confusion” for some reason), and the physical 12-inch will be out “this summer,” which in Hospital Productions lingo is “sometime.”
• Clay Rendering:
• Hospital Productions: