Tiny Mix Tapes

Chocolate Grinder Mix 78 - Internet, Inc. Internet, Inc.


So, as I’m sitting here on my couch naked around 12:48 a.m. [saved this post at 1:23 a.m.] , I’m expecting to wake up in less than six hours [So what? So what?]. Ima criminal to projection of thought; fuck time, but okay, so here’s, like, a new mix[:)]! Only this time I just threw the idea out there to some people on the [capital, Mr P][<3 4 3v3r (editor’s note: ditto)] internet [due to deity status]. [OMG — I wish I could play Tekken Tag Team Tournament Two right now, but my 360 keeps half red-ring’ing]. These traxx are what I got in return [in case I didn’t use yours, I’ll hit you up shortly, fur sure]. But these here are the people you meet on the internet [like me: fuck-maybe-hi].

Please, don’t get me wrong. These peeps is what’s going on in the undermodem. Opposed to the “underground.” Technically, I don’t care for tenses. Like past, present, or like narration of person: first, second, fourth. Let’s embrace reality, while never meeting, ever. If you are listening to something right now, either my mix of breathing or dishes being washed, please focus on the music. I appreciate that. Breath it in your ears, or something. Like, become what sound is to you. Immerse yourself in the transparency of art and emotional willpower. Continue as a person and forfeit any ego of celebrity.

C Monster

PS: That’s a picture of Beyoncé on my living room television.

Stream below, and subscribe to our podcast here.

[00:00] Magnétophonique - “Jungle Spell Interlude”
[00:32] Daytime Television - “Dream Repeater”
[03:53] 20013 - “AAA (Alfa Meditation)” [excerpt]
[05:29] Marcus Eads - “Meditative Loop”
[07:29] hearts bonfire - “reunion “
[10:49] Kevin Greenspon - “The Last Good Day”
[14:52] Radio Astronomy - “Dorado”
[17:08] Nevhar Anhar - “Kintsukuroi”
[20:47] r i o t _ m e a d o w s - “t h i s b r a n c h _ w i l l h o l d”
[22:46] shamane - “when i with it”
[25:28] $ludgehammer - “FFFFFF”
[26:52] Godsnack - “End of Side A”
[29:27] Lockbox - “frost chop(WIP)”