On the Discogs page for this release: “Disapproved edition by the artists because of the bad pressing. They want the full edition to be destroyed and repressed.”
So… I must respectfully disagree with this summation, if it is indeed genuine (which I doubt). I keep close tabs on the Feeding Tube label, and this darling, limited-to-300 LP might be my favorite release of theirs yet. BeNe GeSSeRiT (or Bene Gesserit; either way you’re not going to pronounce it right anyway), active on the underground tape scenes of Germany and France in the early 1980s, have popped up anew like fresh mushies, with an LP on Ultramarine last year and now this wizardly spiral of wax. And let me tell you: No one outside of possibly Ten In The Swear Jar can get more mileage out of accordion drones. But there’s so much more: This is noise art of the highest order, dealing in surreal, half-clucked vocal overtures, synth patches that multiply like cockroaches in the South, skips and hiccups, pitch-mangled asides, operatic exclamations of weirdness, and so much more I wish you would just listen to this fucking thing so I can SHUT THE FUH CUP already. Like an electric ball of energy; Jeff Keen, Spires In The Sunset Rise, a homeless, snarling version of Coco Rosie, Mama Baer, the aforementioned Ultramarine crowd; what’s not to like? Pressed on especially heavy, sleek vinyl.