Tiny Mix Tapes

Diamond Terrifier - The Subtle Body Wears A Shadow The Subtle Body Wears A Shadow


The music that is Diamond Terrifier has narrated my time growing within the confines of New York City, Brooklyn, and Long Island. Not only is it sonically reminiscent of how my father mused my creativity as a child, but it feels as though Sam Hillmer’s music as <>T is the perfect soundtrack to the highs and lows of being surrounded by a million things working at once. As is New York: meeting new people you admire, finding meaning within an overabundance of variety, hearing music in the subway as the train transitions to a screech, saving moments and smiles more than money, fluttering from hunger to shock to joy to insomnia, and being a being within a bigger being.

Picking up from last year’s album Kill The Self That Wants To Kill Yourself, Diamond Terrifier brings to you four long-burner tracks out today called The Subtle Body Wears A Shadow. The intro track, “Shrine Flu,” was first heard in its early stages last year on the Words+Dreams tape Shrine Flu. But as an album opener, the track really sets the tone of Sam’s brass-beaten breath and love of seared electronics, which wake-waves listeners into “Two Witnesses,” baring an array of furiously flying fingers, wailing out cries of disparity and joy, anticipation and daunt. Flip to the B-side to hear “Triple Gem” and the title track. “The Subtle Body Wears A Shadow” is a fantastic closer to the intensity that is this release, finding calm within Sam’s storm of sax, harmonizing with the electronic hum and glittered tingles of metallic drips.

The Subtle Body Wears A Shadow is out today via Terrible Records on LP/CD/digital formats. I pre-ordered a copy as soon as I knew it existed and can’t wait to go to my Grams’ house and spin it like a mad man! DO NOT sleep on this.

• Diamond Terrifier: http://www.diamondterrifier.com
• Terrible Records: http://www.terriblerecordsus.com