Sometimes crying is okay. As a male in a society that expects us to be emotionally detached, this can be a difficult prospect, which is where A Winged Victory for the Sullen comes into the picture. Theirs is music to have a good, strong and manly cry to. They know this; at concerts they pass out little packets of tissues at the door and the venues’ trashcans are inevitably overflowing with balled-up, snotty wads of Kleenex by the end of the show.
For those of us who enjoy this kind of emotional masochism/catharsis, there is good news: A Winged Victory for the Sullen have composed new music for Wayne McGregor’s modern dance piece Atomos. How their floating, ethereal music translates into dance is difficult to picture. Hopefully, openly weeping has been incorporated into the choreography.
Dustin O’Halloran and Adam Bryanbaum Wiltzie will be providing a live soundtrack for Atomos at its premiere in London at Sadler’s Well and a spate of warm-up dates leading up to it. Little pockets of emotional catharsis are going to be popping up all over the UK come October. Better invest in some hankies.
Tour dates:
15.-16.03. MONTCLAIR, NJ (US) – Atomos US Premiere at Montclair State U
17.-19.03. KRANKY TOUR (US) – venues tbc.
20.-23.03. MONTCLAIR, NJ (US) – Atomos at Montclair State U
10.01.13 - London, UK - Village Underground
10.02.13 - Reading, UK - South Sea Arts Center
10.03.13 - Leicester, UK - Bishop Street Church
10.04.13 - Gateshead, UK - The Sage
10.09-12.13 - London, UK - Sadler’s Well (Atomos world premiere)
03.15-16.14 - Montclair, NJ - Montclair State U (Atomos US premiere)
03.20-23.14 - Montclair, NJ - Montclair State U
• A Winged Victory for the Sullen:
• Wayne McGregor: