The soundtrack to Andrei Tarkovsky’s hyperbolically good and universally recognized film Solaris is getting an official release. Some of you may be scratching your heads and thinking “wasn’t there some other record called Solaris that came out a while back?” You, our most astute and favorite reader, are correct; Ben Frost and Daníel Bjarnason created their own soundtrack to the film naught but two years ago. They did this because Ben Frost thinks the original score for the film “is terrible”. Ooohhh *snip snap* Eduard Artemyev, Ben Frost just burned you hard.
There is only one way gentleman musicians can solve such a dispute: dueling soundtracks with a back-to-back viewing of Solaris. Points will be awarded for audience members being moved to tears or spontaneous soliloquies about the human condition. Points will be deducted for audience members falling asleep or taking extended “bathroom breaks.” Audience members will be exiled to the moon or fed to a pack of rabid wolves (host’s choice) for saying the Steven Soderbergh remake was better.
While the official event is still in planning, Superior Viaduct’s release of the original score on vinyl means you can play along at home! Get a copy of the record when it drops on September 17, invite over a bunch of your friends (you’ll probably want to tell them you’re watching Ghostbusters), then lock all the doors and subject them to six hours of emotional turmoil! This is where it all starts folks; come September, Solaris soundtrack duel parties are going to be the talk of the town.
• Superior Viaduct: