Tiny Mix Tapes

Bill Orcutt offers mostly accurate historical chronicle of all humans on new full-length A History of Every One


Bill Orcutt is back again with yet another full-length. This time he’s not hanging around with his buddies Chris Corsano or Loren Connors. Nope, this time he’s going straight-up stag to the prom, and let me tell you, he looks damn good in that tux. The album is called A History of Every One and it’s out September 30 from Editions Mego. With a title like that it would appear as if this project is even more ambitious than his past efforts in which he merely attempted to play every note on the guitar all at once while riding the instrument down a mountain like a skateboard. A history of everyone? Unless he’s been doing PRISM-level spying on all of us since the beginning of time, that seems to be a pretty tall order. I guess if someone’s going to pull it off, it’s probably going to be Bill Orcutt.

Based on the tracklist — and the first song he’s released, which is ostensibly a cover of Disney’s “Zip a Dee Doo Dah” — the album appears to be a collection of covers of traditional and/or classic songs like “White Christmas,” “When You Wish Upon a Star,” and “Ballad of Davy Crockett,” in which the standard arrangements of “only a few notes every once in awhile” are swapped out for “literally every note always.” Seriously how does he do it? Does he have more than two hands? Is he a wizard? Preorder the album from Editions Mego right now if you’re hoping, like me, that the label will send out a FAQ on the album that will answer such questions and more.

A History of Every Once tracklist:

01. Solidarity Forever
02. When You Wish Upon a Star
03. Black Betty
04. Ten Thousand Men of Harvard
05. Spanish Is the Loving Tongue
06. White Christmas
07. Zip a Dee Doo Dah
08. Black Snake Moan
09. Ballad of Davy Crockett
10. Onward Christian Soldiers
11. Bring Me My Shotgun
12. Massa’s in the Cold Cold Ground

• Bill Orcutt: http://palilalia.com
• Editions Mego: http://editionsmego.com