Tiny Mix Tapes

Vektroid (Macintosh Plus, Laserdisc Visions) teams with rapper Siddiq, launches store with sexy Macintosh Plus tank


Vektroid (a.k.a. Macintosh Plus, 情報デスクVIRTUAL, Sacred Tapestry, Laserdisc Visions, etc.) has been relatively quiet this year, especially when compared to her many 2012 releases (two of which made our Favorite 50 Albums of 2012 list: Macintosh Plus’ Floral Shoppe and 情報デスクVIRTUAL’s 幌コンテンポラリー). But that doesn’t mean she’s been inactive. In January, she gave us a sneak peek into her incredibly seductive new aesthetic with “Enemy,” and a few months later, she released a conceptually bold double cassette release, Home™ and ClearSkies™, as PrismCorp Virtual Enterprises.

And now we’ve caught wind that Vektroid is hooking up with Houston rapper Siddiq to do production for an upcoming release. No word on what exactly that release might be or when it’s dropped, but Vektroid recently hinted at it with a couple tweets, while Siddiq himself just released a new mixtape, PAID2013, that features a demo intro to a longer, more complex track they’re working on together. Listen to the mixtape here, as well as a snippet of their collaboration, “Midnight Run” (which features a reworked version of Esc 不在’s “Nightvision”) here:

Meanwhile, Vektroid has set up a shop and is now selling THE SEXIEST TANK TOP I’VE EVER SEEN. With some fakes out there, it’ll probably do everyone good to support the artist directly by ordering one of these Macintosh Plus tanks before pre-orders end on Friday, August 23. Plus, then you’ll have a chance to show off those deltoids, biceps, coracobrachiales, subscapulares, supraspinati, infraspinati, and triceps that you’ve been working on all summer. (Fuck, you are looking good.)

To those of you who weren’t working on your bods this summer, consider a body transmigration with the Genetic Re-Engineering Program (GREP) at the New Dreams(TM) Body Chamber Facility at address code MEM# 046D:0880.

• Vektroid: http://vektroid.tumblr.com
• Siddiq: http://siddiq.bandcamp.com