Witchcraft shall never die, whoever the “Expert Loner” may be. They will cast enchantments, curses, and blessings on our doomed Earth future, riding the cloak-tails of technology, conglomerations, and Abstract Mutation everywhere, thirsting on cocktail’d potions of belief, ancient incantations, and the mentally open. In pulses, future witchcraft will transcend voodoo, Wiccans, and Christians, jinns and golems. It will find a future to latch onto; disco, dance, EDM, and house all seem populated by the many, so let the beat-craft commence.
In fluxes of complex rhythms and melodies, “Expert Loner” will entice each listener to move, eventually throwing them into a fit. Others perceive these flailing seizures as DANCE, but to the caster, they’ve already become enslaved in mind. Without a care put forth toward remorse, the deepest of witchcraft is performed and progressed way past modern times. Doubt in its pursuit further isolated magic from humanity’s consciousness, devising the most stealth and secretive form of pleasure for a select few who still believe. That belief is real through 1080p’s latest Abstract Mutation C25 tape Fake Keygen, featuring the spellbound “Expert Loner.” Out now!
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&bull: Abstract Mutation: https://soundcloud.com/abstract-mutation
• 1080p: http://1080pcollection.net