Tiny Mix Tapes

Big Ups - “Goes Black” “Goes Black”


Big Ups coalesced during my freshman year of college, but their new single, “Goes Black,” sounds like a relic from the early days of Dischord, the type of twitchy punk that makes you want to start tearing down posters from telephone poles, mosh in the produce aisle, stuff like that. Unlike their peers Roomrunner or Metz, the New York quartet Big Ups uses their sludge sparingly, shoehorning the chaos into tight spaces. “Goes Black” is loosely secured by a spring-loaded bass riff that whirs around behind Joe Galarraga’s quivering deadpan, eventually bursting forth to make way for the dizzying chorus. Think a more restrained spin on Suicidal Tendencies’ “Institutionalized” or perhaps the Bush Tetras in a bar fight. Or better yet, don’t think. Just close your eyes, click play, and let all that angst come surging back. It’ll feel good, I promise.

• Big Ups: http://wearebigups.tumblr.com
• Dead Labour: http://deadlabour.tumblr.com