And there’s this fellah that strolls around cities with a foldable DIY▲PYЯΛMID big enough for him to enter. This traveler’s DIY▲PYЯΛMID is close to empty and is only full whenever he’s deep in observation. Locking himself in, this DIY▲PYЯΛMID is transparent in ways he can visibly establish while inside, as others on the outside perceive it in panels of protective glass. He is encased in a fair amount of foam, pillows, and general safety/comfort, both his hobby and sleep-aid is to watch people around him while being pushed, dragged, and knocked around. As public voyeur, said “fellah” and his magical DIY▲PYЯΛMID smash around the earth, gathering as much culture and social interruption they can muster up.
It’s the ℘ ◌ ṧ⊥➸℘♄ø⊥☮﹩ℌø℘ that’s been clawing at this DIY▲PYЯΛMID most recently. Typically, you get people to move the project by pushing it a good hundred blocks, but the DIY▲PYЯΛMID is pressure sealed from the inside, and it’s just too damn heavy. But this fellah don’t mind. All he do is nod to the random and accesses it all. Yet, when it comes to the collective of ℘ ◌ ṧ⊥➸℘♄ø⊥☮﹩ℌø℘, DIY▲PYЯΛMID runs deep on the out-there observation. Like sunglasses shading eyes in a ring of intrigue, when it all starts, stopping is nearly an afterthought, and pursuing the meaning of effort is insatiable. All this fellah got is time, interest, and his own damn space.
Listen to the effects of ℘ ◌ ṧ⊥➸℘♄ø⊥☮﹩ℌø℘ on DIY▲PYЯΛMID below:
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