Tiny Mix Tapes

Robert Beatty - “Cone Eater” “Cone Eater”


R o b ert B e at ty a nd T a kes hi M u r a ta : two hunks of cosmic gelatin exacto’d from the Sector 14 space mines between two and four decades ago and beamed to Earth in the shapes of human males in an effort to intermingle with and expand the minds of the terrestrial races.

U kNO BeA t t Y: Three Legged Race, every dope album cover, 1/3 of Hair Police.
& U KNO M u r a ta: glitchsmith, pioneering datamosher, reputed artist(é).

but W H a t d o th e yyy Have In Com MON?: A/V multimedia combining digital and analog aesthetics, eye [(-popping) (-confounding) (-detonating)] visual manipulations, technicolor hallucinations, seemingly all things.

ENTER A THIRD PARTY: o h h e l l o it’s J a son Les call eet. He tips his hat and launches into this hypothetical monologue: “Yes, it is me: Jason. You can call me ‘Mr. Lescalleet.’ I run a label called Glistening Examples and I have decided that the music Robert Beatty created between 2004 and 2007 to soundtrack Takeshi Murata’s video work deserves a proper LP release. Even absented from their visual counterparts, these pieces speak for themselves.”

O R L Y ? Let’s hear ‘em.

. ~*~^~ U H Y E A H~^~*~.
“Cone Eater” finds Beatty mangling high-frequency synth blips (maybe bleeps) and oscillator screeches into a viscous aural paste, spreading it across a table of knobs, pedal chassis, mixers, and unruly patch cables, and allowing nature to take its course. Single tones split into dry and FX channels, wallow in delay and abused reverb, and weave back together in simultaneous playback as a synthetic infant wail rising over the chaos. Although deliberate in their structures and development across time, Beatty’s soundtrack pieces achieve a state of randomized ecstasy to match Murata’s unpredictable visual work.

Soundtracks for Takeshi Murata — possessor, incidentally, of one of 2013’s be(a)st album covers — arrives November 11 on LP and CD. You can preorder it now, straight from the label’s Bandcamp page.

• Robert Beatty: http://remainsstreet.com
• Glistening Examples: http://glisteningexamples.com