Tiny Mix Tapes

Dylan Ettinger - “Life Power Church (Fourth Dimension)” “Life Power Church (Fourth Dimension)”


Although Pocahaunted and Raccoo-oo-oon got me into this whole weirdo cassette tape-driven “underground” (but mostly just community) music, the first two tapes I ever owned were Solar Meditations and New Age Outlaws. So it’s a sad day when Mr. Ettinger himself messages you asking to post “the final Dylan Ettinger release.” Yo, humbling for sure, but extremely sad. Once, Ettinger convinced a villager pal of mine there were other worlds out there when he was alone in the old Tipp City historic post office at midnight as he listened to New Age Outlaws in pitch dark. The kid saw colors. Ettinger also popped one of this year’s deepest Night People cassettes too: Crucify Your Love.

Anyhow, this track, “Life Power Church (Fourth Dimension),” is intended as “[the] RING ENTRANCE THEME FOR PROFESSIONAL WRESTLER JAKE OMEN COMPOSED AND PERFORMED BY DYLAN ETTINGER.” But ya know what? It’s probably the most teasing and fourth-coming exit I’ve ever heard from an artist. And brilliantly so. Decipher that how you will. However, do NOT sleep on these $1 cassingles Flannelgraph Records is putting out of the final release. It’ll be WAY rare and will literally complete your reel collection of Dylan Ettinger’s majesty. Pick it up ASAP and be proud of living in an age of such greatness as Jordan and Gretzky and Ettinger.

• Dylan Ettinger: http://www.dylanettinger.com
• Flannelgraph Records: http://flannelgraphrecords.com