James Ferraro’s new album, NYC, HELL 3:00 AM, is a terrifying exploration into American decay, nihilism, and alienation. While Far Side Virtual’s themes were similarly bleak — its artificial ringtone jingles and boardroom music heightening the grotesquery of our simulated consumer society — it had an aesthetic approach that, at least on the most superficial of levels, felt comfortable and safe, sounds already so internalized that it barely registered as critique. NYC, HELL 3:00 AM, however, actually sounds like decay, nihilism, and alienation. It’s overwhelmingly dark, but incredibly emotional stuff.
Ferraro’s latest video is for “QR JR.,” and it appears to be a somewhat 11th-hour addition to the new album, the themes of which are laid out pretty clearly here. Check it out above (courtesy of V Magazine), look for NYC, HELL 3:00 AM this week on Hippos in Tanks, and catch him on tour if you can, too.
• James Ferraro: http://twitter.com/LIL_ICEBUNNY
• Hippos in Tanks: http://hipposintanks.net