Sometimes I get stuck on one genre/sound, listening to broken drum beats through tape hiss and vinyl crackle, or trying to hear chord changes through walls of feedback. I forget that one trend doesn’t overtake all music. Usually just consists of the small corner of my active listening. As an audience, we follow sounds like we follow artists.
Salt Lake City’s Gothen is a breath of fresh air, considering all of the beat crap I’ve been obsessing over. It’s as if I’ve forgotten things can be beautiful without first being broken and repurposed. And this Gothen quality of folk-like currents flow full of sparse moments. Shoot, the breathing room is practically an instrument in itself.
Gothen’s self-titled debut is available now as a digital download, though I expect to see that under the heading of a label real soon. Music of this quality rarely goes unnoticed through the connected transparency of the internet age.
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• Gothen: