Hello, sir | madam, I’m here today to tell you about some news: the legendary | refrigerator-like drone duo sunn O))) have got plans to reissue their 2005 release Black One on Black Friday, November 29. Black Friday, of course, is the day that families come together to shop for great deals | the people of America become inexplicably even more willing than usual to be pulverized in the great meat grinder of capitalism. Like last year, there’s now a Record Store Day on Black Friday which is another cool way to get people excited about supporting local record shops | pouring money into the pockets of greedy corporate overlords all in the name of yet another random Bob Dylan reissue and/or Lana Del Rey picture disc. That fact that sunn O))) decided to participate by reissuing Black One in particular makes a lot of sense to me | me want to drown myself in turkey gristle even though I’m a vegetarian, since it’s coming out on Black Friday and both things have the word “black” in them. Wow | Ughh!
Black One was a bit of a shift for sunn O))) when it first came out. Featuring somewhat shorter songs and significant guest spots from the likes of Oren Ambarchi, Xasthur’s Maelfic, and John Wiese, it now serves as a clear entry point into the band’s somewhat intimidating | uniformly refrigerator-y discography. If you’ve not yet made its acquaintance, you can check it out over on their Bandcamp, where literally pretty much everything they ever recorded is available to stream, or even purchase if you’re not a(n) freeloader | internet activist. This particular reissue comes from Southern Lord as a double LP limited to 1,000 copies on black vinyl, and 1,000 on white which is a neat way to make the album collectible for fans | a transparent method of artificially driving up demand. There’s also a silver disc version that will be available only in Europe. The album is available for preorder now, and preorders will ship in early November.
• sunn O))): http://sunn.southernlord.com
• Southern Lord: http://www.southernlord.com
• Record Store Day: http://www.recordstoreday.com